

And there was evening and there was morning – the first day Genesis 1:1- 5
“I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness;...I am the Lord, who does all these things.” Isaiah 45:7

Creation - Day One
Ever notice this? The order of the day that is established in Genesis is evening then morning. We look at it just the opposite. For us, the day begins with the morning and ends in the evening. Western thought, I suppose. Actually, our clock begins at 12:00 a.m. meaning midnight. We have darkness followed by light and closing with darkness again. In the eastern way of seeing things, the day starts under darkness and ends up in light.
The applications are spectacular. Life, apart from God, is not. It is beyond comprehension. Perhaps it is for this reason that men reject the Genesis account altogether. It cannot be explained.
Also, in an effort to placate and satisfy the rational part of the mind, some have suggested that it is at this point where we find the application of Ezekiel 28:13-19 and Isaiah 14:12-14. Between “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” and “The earth was without form and void...”
The idea says that Lucifer fell to the earth and destroyed all God had created in his anger and hatred. The earth became and empty, black, formless void. Darkened with gloom and hopelessness. What began in perfection was ruined – it seems. While this sounds and seems acceptable, giving an explanation of what otherwise is difficult to understand, it is not a safe assumption at all.
Because it is fundamentally just that... an assumption that finds absolutely no support in the passage. Also, it ignores one fundamental, basic teaching of scripture.
Some argue that the destruction of God’s original creation would suggest that the vegetation and other life forms were killed and destroyed. This idea supports the concept that explains why we discover the remains of dinosaurs and such. The explains the fossils hidden in the various strata of the earth’s crust. However, this concept also allows others to explain why the evolutionary process fits into the idea of biblical creation. Believe me, this is an elaborate school of thought and is actually somewhat destructive theologically. How? Follow me and you will see...
This is generally referred to as the Gap Theory or the “Ruin and Reconstruction” theory.
The Bible tells us clearly that death entered only after Adam sinned. Prior to this, death had not been introduced. Death came because of sin...and sin entered through Adam. Death came after Adam, not before. So, by opening up a such a wide dissenting position to the general idea of creation, the room has been given that will allow all sorts of concepts and conjectures that have no biblical merit at all. Oh, these ideas may make somebody seem highly imaginative and somewhat intelligent, but that is not the issue.
We must always come back to the simple question: “What the Bible say?”
The best way to consider this passage...the safest way to remain true to the Word of God is to see it as it is written. The earth was in the process of being created. It had yet to be populated, it had yet to be energized, thus it was still dark and void. There is no evil present or the results of any evil activity indicated in the passage.
God was at work creating the earth. At some point, we are given a snapshot during the construction phase. We are told that the earth was without form and void. We are not told nor can we safely assume that God meant to say...that the earth became without form and became void.
As God was creating the earth, there was a point during creation that the earth was unformed and uninhabited. There were no stars, there was no light, no other planets. Before God moved, there was nothing but darkness – a deep darkness.
Even with this thought, we must consider what the bible has to say…
“I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness;...I am the Lord, who does all these things.” Isaiah 45:7
It is hard for the mind to recognize that before God began creation, literally, there was nothing. No light, no darkness – nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Try to get your mind around this one for a moment.
God set about the work of creation.
The Spirit of God moved. Things began to happen. It was through the moving of the Spirit of God that the creation began


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