Listen to the spirit

Listen To The Spirit
"A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel." Proverbs 1:5

The Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher. He is always speaking to us; the problem is we're not always listening! We get so involved in our daily routines and the stresses of life that the voice of God is hard to distinguish and hear. But, a wise man will take time to slow down and allow God to speak to him! We can gain natural understanding through school, reading books, searching information out, but we can only gain the knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit.

Even the knowledge contained within the Bible can only be truly understood through the Holy Spirit enlightening us. God wants to speak to us! He has great things to tell us, things we could never search out on our own. But, we must slow down and spend time listening to Him. Our prayer time must be more than just asking God for things, and even more than praising Him; we must have a quit time before the Lord when He gets to speak to us! The wisest counselor we can find is God, and He is ever with His children, always ready and willing to speak to them.

Take time to hear what the Spirit is saying to you today, that your day may be prosperous and abundantly blessed!


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