The Power Of Humility

The Power Of Humility

"So the king sent a third captain with his fifty men. This third captain went up and fell on his knees before Elijah. 'Man of God,' he begged, 'please have respect for my life and the lives of these fifty men, your servants!'" 2 Kings 1:13

The two previous captains and their men sent out by the king of Israel to take Elijah had been consumed by fire from Heaven. Now, the third captain takes an attitude of humility when approaching Elijah, he shows respect to the Prophet Elijah; in doing this he is actually showing respect for the God of Israel whom Elijah represents. God honors the captain's humility, and not only does He not consume him with fire, but tells Elijah to go with him. The captain's mission was not accomplished by his might, but by his humility.

The Bible teaches us, "By strength no man shall prevail." When we choose to humble ourselves before the Lord we open the door for Him to lift us up. Watchman Nee, Chinese Christian author and church leader during the early 20th Century who spent the last twenty years of his life in prison for his faith, said, "For years, maybe, you have tried fruitlessly to exercise control over yourself, and perhaps this is still your experience; but when once you see the truth you will recognize that you are indeed powerless to do anything, but that in setting you aside altogether God has done it all. Such discovery brings human striving and self-effort to an end." When we humble ourselves before the Lord, acknowledging the frailty of our own strength and relying on His, we will see our lives filled with His strength and blessings! Stay humble before the Lord at all times and in all things, and you will live a blessed life by the hand of God!


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