Whom should I pray for?

Whom should I pray for?

Most of the Christian prayers are self-centered, they pray for their own health, wealth and prosperity. They pray for protection & provision for their own family, children etc.

some may say two words of prayers for mission field.

- How many times we have looked down on these people, we can't even withstand few seconds when a garbage van pass by.... but these people HAVE TO work day in and day out. Never been kind to our house-helps, sewage clears and negotiated with cycle rickshaw pullers.

- When we change out attitudes in our prayer life, praying for these people who are exposed to vulnerable jobs, we change inwardly to be kind.

- It's time to think out of box (selfish-payers). Extend our daily prayers to these people, surely we will smile at them, maybe offer a coffee with them. (Mat 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.)

- Let's make a change within us. Charity begins with Prayer!(shared from shalom ministries)

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