
Why iam not getting enough feed on our csi church, simply reading what's on the sermon book. There is no strong sermon only traditional. There is no new souls, existing belivers going to other churches, why our catahesist and reverens are not worried about new soul or existing souls, if they giving the enough feed why should belivers spilited to other churches.

Why there is no soul winners in our churches?

Why there is no holy spirit annointing?

Why they are not able to deliver the strong sermons to keep souls in spirit?

Why the sheep given to you is not hear your voice?

Does catechesim and pastors are working dioceses? Or for God?

Why giving so much importance to traditional instead on jesus christ?

Csi is the second largest denominations but  how many believers are there in each church?

Is there enough importance given to souls?

Why teachers and headmaster who is working in diocese school to given a catehesit post instead of these people why don't you appoint some spirited person?

What God said about these people's?

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.Rev-3:16.

This not for all churches. Also this not to condem anyone. Please we are begging to do a ministrie for God. Not for fame and tradition, God given a big denominations and plenty of souls to you, please utlize it and be soul winner.

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