They are pondered by all who delight in them'

Psa 111:2  Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.

'They are pondered by all who delight in them'

Only who delights in the great works of God will ponder it. Which means not everyone has a delight for the great work of God. So who are those that delight for the Lord? What kind of person are they? Two things which I would like to place before you.

Firstly Only those that do not rely on their flesh or wisdom or strength etc will delight in the works of the Lord. If you are going to delight on your own ways or thoughts then you can never delight on Gods great works. You need to surrender to grace.

Secondly the verse says that God will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Of course God is with us but are we with the Lord. The man who delights will also ponder on the great works of the Lord which means this man keeps himself with the Lord.

Today take time to analyse yourself and see where are we standing in the Lord. May the Holy Spirit speak to you through this word.


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