
But when he came to himself, he said, How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!" Luke 15:17

Jesus tells the story of a son who takes his inheritance and wastes it all on wild living! When the boy has nothing left and he finds himself working for scraps he realizes that he needs to change. If he wants a better life he's going to have to take action! Change will not happen accidentally! So, the boy gets up and goes back to his father's house, admits his wrong, and receives his father's mercy.
Perhaps today you find your life is not what you want it to be. You're in a place where you're eating scraps and begging for handouts. Perhaps today your life is a mess, and/or you want something better. If that's you, realize change doesn't just happen! If you want your life to be different, you'll have to do something different! If you keep doing what you've always done you'll continue to receive the same disappointments you've always had. Change requires action! If you want a new life, a better life, or just something different. than do something different!

Turn to God; ask for His direction and guidance, and then ACT! If you want something different than do something different!


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