Sometimes we trust God for our everything. Other times we trust man and their power, money, wisdom, education, knowledge and position. God wanted us to trust Him always, whatever circumstances we are facing. Sometimes we may not get what we desire, but we got what God want us to have and it is the will of God and it will good for us. The Word of God says about a man trusting in man and a man who is trusting in God.

The man who trusts in man and his strength is cursed by God. He is like a bush in the wasteland. He will be just like a bush which can be destroyed very easily. It is in the desert which means there is no water or any food. His condition is very bad. If he is destroyed no one will even know about it. A bush is useless for others. He will have no fruit, nothing to give to others. He cannot help others or even help himself.

The man who trust in God will be blessed. He will be like a tree planted by the water and that send out its roots by the stream. That tree had food and water. It will not be destroyed by wind or other sources. It will not be destroyed by any drought because it has strong roots in the water. It will stand firm. It will bear fruits and shades for others. It will be a blessing to others as well as to himself. It can give comforts to others. What is our choice. Are we trusting in God or man and his strength. The choices is ours.

But blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.----- It does not fear when heat comes; it leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruits. Jeremiah 17: 7.


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